FTL: Faster Than Light

Ahhhh, this game.

What is there to say about this game hmmm???? HMMMMM???? HMMMMHMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMH!???

Well, not really that much but I guess I’ll tell you what I think about it.

First off, I got this game for like $5, and at the time that I got it I didn’t really think it through that much. You see for some reason this game was a real hit on youtube, and so it seemed like literally every youtube let’s player, and reviewer I knew had this game on their channel. And me not being a very shrewd consumer, decided to just buy the damn thing because it has space in it, and how could I possibly refuse space?

Oh, and I did a youtube video on this that is about as boring as the game so:

I guess I went in with high expectations, but I was really only looking for a fun little arcade game. You know something I can play for like 10 minutes. And at best, I would play for like three days straight (which one of my friends practically did when he got it). Maybe it would have a fun adventure mode thingy, you know? Like should I help these poor people who pulled their spaceship over because of a bad hyper drive? Or are they murderous bandits just waiting for me to stop. Maybe they would board my ship, and try to kill my crew and I would open the doors, and blow them out into space.

So yet again I was tempted by a game being in space and so I spent about $5 on it and downloaded it. And then I played it.

And it was….mehhhhh…

I discovered quickly that the only thing you really do in the game is fight. There are a couple of unlock-able ships if you play far enough or something, I never unlocked them cause I didn’t really care, and I slack on my reviewing responsibilities. Anyway a few different ships wouldn’t change the fact that this game was just mediocre. Some may like it but, don’t expect ANY STORY, and very little change from encounter to encounter.  This game seems like a mobile game really, and I’m not sure it’s not. If you want you can check. I’m not going to because that shouldn’t really be my responsibility.

Anyway but if it is available for mobile devices it would probably be worth a few bucks, but don’t buy it for pc unless you….I don’t even know…I guess if you are a youtuber and you like to youtube youtuby things on the youtube you could youtube your gameplay of it, youtube.

If you want a space game that has more interesting combat, and a bit more story, with better fleet action I would recommend “Weird Worlds”.


Sorry this review took forever, wasn’t very good, and had little to no effort put into it.

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